I’d decided about a month ago that I’d get this blog sorted and ready so I could release it on my birthday. In a frankly shocking display of timeliness, I’ve actually done it!
It’s nice to mark a milestone with something positive, on a date I’ll remember as development continues on the PolyCity game. Hopefully by this time next year I might be finished!
I’d also timed the latest set of narration scripts to be recorded by Eric Gerstein’s incredible voice talent, so I’ve had the extra pleasure of hearing some great vocal performances going into the game today too.
And just when things couldn’t get any better, The holy bible arrived, a wonderful birthday present charting the golden era of the point and click adventure.
Thanks’ to everyone for my birthday wishes and gifts. I’ve taken the day off from my usual job to spend it working on PolyCity, whilst gorging on chocolates from my wife… Perfect!
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